Services that are Packed with Positivity!

Select a partnership opportunity below. Email or call us to learn more!

1. Curate or customize a Positive Vibes Gift Box
Select or partner with Positive Vibes by Ty to design custom products to include in a gift box. Products can organization or business logo and design.

2. Host a "Pop of Positivity" Pop-Up at your event

Invite Positive Vibes by Ty to attend your next event. We will provide a special table setup and customized shopping experience for your event attendees.

3. Customize a journal or other product for your organization, conference, or group (bulk purchases available)

Partner with Positive Vibes by Ty to design a custom journal-ad, product, or gift box or bundle for you event. Gifts are great for door prizes, raffles, or event give-a-ways. Let's get creative together!

Partners can include:
Schools, colleges or other educational institutions, businesses, teen or women's groups, conferences, or clubs, national and local organizations.


Positive Vibes by Ty Certifications